Transport Concession Request

Note that only OPEN clients can apply for transport concessions (Transport NSW policy).

If your client is not OPEN, you can place them on the list by lodging a Centre Support Request form instead and selecting "Transport Concession". An application will be made once the client is Open.

Children under the age of 4 years can travel for free and they do not require concession cards.

  • + Create new +


Misplaced Blue Card - Client will only receive a new blue card if they know the PAS & Expiry, if this isn't available both cards will be replaced. 

Misplaced Gold Card - Client will recieve both new blue and gold cards.


Add PAS number and expiry date if known. However this is NOT REQUIRED.

You must Add PAS number and expiry date.

c/- Asylum Seekers Centre

43 Bedford St

Home (Residential)

If the home address is incorrect - select 'other' and enter the correct one. After completing the Opal process update the clients address or forward the correct details to a CSV to action.

Other (Delivery address)